Please find below a list of our speakers for 2020:

28th January: “Plant Names” – Rachel Bracher  //  25th February: “My Time in the Police Force” – Carol Fullerton (retired police officer)  //  24th March: “The Good Loaf” (a Northamptonshire-based artisan bakery and cafe providing employment opportunities for vulnerable women)  //  28th April: “Geology” – Mark Cowley  //  23rd June: “The Boudicca Revolt” – Juris Trede  //  28th July: “Weedon Barracks” – Christopher Salaman  //  22nd September: “Bee Originals” – Julie Smith (plus honey and candles to buy!)  //  24th November: “Life in a Submarine” – Tony Randall

Meetings take place at 7.30pm in the village hall, and non-WI members are welcome to attend up to three meetings per year. We charge an entrance of fee of £4.00, which includes tea/coffee and cake. Bookings can be made now or nearer the time (but please book at least a week ahead for any meeting) – contact our Secretary, Penny Eves, at PennyEves@aol.com or telephone 01327-361656.

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