We have now launched a public consultation regarding proposals for the governance of Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service to transfer from the Fire Authority which currently sits in Northamptonshire County Council, to the Police and Crime Commissioner, who would therefore become the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
The government wants our emergency services to work much more collaboratively and has recently changed the law to allow this to happen. We already do this really well in Northamptonshire but there is scope for this to increase and for our fire and police services to work more closely together to keep our communities safe.
We want to ensure as many people who live and work in Northamptonshire have their say and tell us what benefits and concerns they may have. We have produced a leaflet and a short animated film to describe the proposal. Please click here to view the short video:
We have created an online survey to capture people’s views, which can be accessed at www.northantsfireproposals.co.uk (a postal survey and easy read version are also available on request). The survey closes on Tuesday 1st August 2017.
We would really appreciate it if you would take the time to watch the short video clip and complete our online survey, and share the link with your friends, family and community. We would like as many people to have their voice heard as possible.
For further information or if you having any questions please contact Sam Ward, Involvement Officer at: samantha.ward@northantspcc.pnn.police.uk
Views will be collated and will inform a business case that will be sent to the Home Office in mid August
Thank you for taking part in advance.
Stephen Mold
Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner