Parish Magazine of The Knightly parishes

Attached is a downloadable version of The Link. Distribution by hand is increasingly more difficult. We hope you enjoy this Easter edition.

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Byfield Medical Centre

The surgery requests that people continue to wear masks when they come to the medical centre, and observe social distancing as appropriate.

There has also been a serious of incidents when patients have been rude and unpleasant to the staff, causing 2 members of staff to resign. Please remember they are as concerned as you and are only trying to do their job. It costs nothing to be polite, so please be kind and respect their position.

Appointments are now available by ringing at 8.00am

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Please find below a list of our speakers for 2020:

28th January: “Plant Names” – Rachel Bracher  //  25th February: “My Time in the Police Force” – Carol Fullerton (retired police officer)  //  24th March: “The Good Loaf” (a Northamptonshire-based artisan bakery and cafe providing employment opportunities for vulnerable women)  //  28th April: “Geology” – Mark Cowley  //  23rd June: “The Boudicca Revolt” – Juris Trede  //  28th July: “Weedon Barracks” – Christopher Salaman  //  22nd September: “Bee Originals” – Julie Smith (plus honey and candles to buy!)  //  24th November: “Life in a Submarine” – Tony Randall

Meetings take place at 7.30pm in the village hall, and non-WI members are welcome to attend up to three meetings per year. We charge an entrance of fee of £4.00, which includes tea/coffee and cake. Bookings can be made now or nearer the time (but please book at least a week ahead for any meeting) – contact our Secretary, Penny Eves, at or telephone 01327-361656.

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Would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who turned up last week.

Your support was overwhelming.

Please help us continue our fight.

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