Make a difference locally

Email sent on behalf of Holllie Darby – Northamptonshire Local Access Forum

Good morning

I am writing to you as the interim secretary for Northamptonshire Local Access Forum and we are looking to recruit new members.

The main remit of the group is to advise the county council, as well as district and borough councils, on the management of the county’s public rights of way. The advice of the group is to ensure the continued improvement and protection of public rights of way in Northamptonshire for the purposes of open air recreation and the enjoyment of the countryside.

Please find below the link to the NCC website where you can find out a bit more of what roles NLAF plays within the county, including an application form.

Anyone can apply and we would be very grateful if you could share this within the community and talk about it at your next Parish meeting. New members are essential  to keep this valued group going and for us to get local knowledge and input to improve our rights of way.

Please feel free to get in touch if there is any interest from members of the parish council or local residents.

Best Regards

Hollie Darby

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